Thursday, December 12, 2013

Matthew 2

Something I found interesting in reading Matthew chapter 2 today.  We read the story over and over again, and I love how I get hit with something new.  ;)  It talks about how an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to flee with Mary and Jesus to Egypt because of Herod. Something I never thought of is tied to the exodus.  God's people were enslaved in Egypt years before.  We know the story of Moses and the Exodus of God's chosen people.  Isn't it interesting, that God would send Joseph and his family there to keep Jesus safe?  Wondering why????  HMMMM?????  Studying to do I would say!!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Matthew Chapter 1

Today I was reading through the genealogy of Christ.  I know.  Sometimes we skip that part (guilty).  But I've got to say today it really hit me.  In the genealogy of Christ, it mentions only 4 women:  Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Mary.  When we think of some of them, we think...really?????  God used them???  He put them in the lineage of Jesus????!!!  REALLY????!!!!  Tamar slept with her father-in-law???? Rahab was a prostitute?????  Ruth was a Moabite?  Mary was pregnant before she was married???  Hold on now!!!!!  How is God gonna use THESE women???  Well...let me ask you this...Does God use YOU? Does He have a purpose for YOUR life?  Are YOU perfect?

Some may think that we cannot be used because we are not perfect.  God does not want to use someone who is perfect.  He wants to use someone who has messed up, and who has since given everything they have to God because they know they can do nothing without Him....You see....God doesn't call the qualified....He qualifies the called.