I thank God for the opportunity to move forward with my life. He loves me still, in spite of the messes that I make. Even though I lose focus, he loves me anyway and keeps his hand outstretched. I am blessed. I've gone through some spiritual attacks from the enemy. I lost my focus about what was important (God) and placed all my attention on myself. I stopped going to church for a little while, and had bitterness in my heart. And even though I was rebellious, He loved me anyway. I started changing, instead of being myself, I was turning into something I was not....someone I did not like. But I am once again, back at the Masters table...instead of hiding myself and my sin, I am open, because He knows them anyway. But it is also very freeing to stand before God.....for even though I know I am not worthy, and I should be chastised (and very might well be) I know because I came forth and repented and turned away from sin, that I am forgiven. The chains of sin no longer weigh down on me and my Father has allowed me once again to let Him be God. I am moving forward....and not looking back. I will not dwell on my past, because it is over, but will move forward to see what my Heavenly Father will bring. An excellent sermon last Sunday night, helped me to realize some of the sins that I was committing without fully understanding I was doing it. I may have been hurt at one time, but it gives me no right to hold bitterness. If anyone had a right to hold bitterness in their heart, it was Jesus, but you did not see him complain, or withhold love because he had been hurt. He moved forward, which is what I need to do. When we live in the past, God can not use us in the present, but when we live in the present, God can use us in the future. I am so thankful that although I am nothing, not deserving of anything from God, that he will love me anyway.
“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert" Isaiah 43:18-19